Site Policy / サイトポリシー


Copyrights and links

1. Copyrights

  1. As a general rule, a copyright of each piece of information carried on our site (sentences, illustrations, photographs, pictures, and other) belongs to pinakiichi,llc. In some cases, the original creator possesses the copyright, and these have been licensed by pinakiichi,llc.*
  2. Replication, distribution, and use for commercial purposes of information from our site is prohibited without expressed consent from pinakiichi,llc.

"Adobe Acrobat" is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.

*All other names of companies, products, etc. are the registered trademarks of their respective companies.

2. Links

As a general rule, all links to this website, both commercial and noncommercial, are freely permitted. However, links are not permitted in the event that any of the following applies or may possibly apply to the link or the linking site:

  1. Links of a libelous or defamatory nature, or that intentionally damage the reputation or credibility of pinakiichi,llc, private companies, groups, organizations (including governmental bodies), or individuals.
  2. Links that infringe or that may infringe trademarks, copyrights, other intellectual property rights, assets, rights to privacy, rights to the usage of one's likeness, or other rights owned by pinakiichi, llc, private companies, groups, organizations (including governmental bodies), or individuals.
  3. Links that place the website within a frame or otherwise can cause misunderstandings among third-party visitors by rendering the contents in such a way that it is unclear that the contents belong to pinakiichi,llc.
  4. Any links aside from the above that violate or may violate any laws, rules, regulations, public order and morality, or that obstruct or may obstruct the administration of this website.
  5. Links that make unauthorized use of logos, marks, etc. owned by pinakiichi,llc.
  6. Links of a form that misrepresent the source of information.

The URL of this website may be changed without prior notice. Please understand this prior to using the website. Pinakiichi,llc shall accept no responsibility for compensation, claims, or complaints pertaining to any links.

Technical matters

1. Recommended environment

The following browsers are recommended for the safest and most pleasant experience using this website:

  1. Microsoft Internet Explorer, latest version
  2. Google Chrome, latest version
  3. Mozilla Firefox, latest version
  4. Safari, latest version
  5. Microsoft Edge, latest version

2. Technology used

  1. Plug-ins
    Adobe Reader (Acrobat Reader 9.0 or later) is required to view and print PDF files. Quick Time or Microsoft Windows Media Player is required to view video files. On some pages, the latest versions of the above software will be required.
  2. Cookies
    This website utilizes cookies for the purpose of achieving a more convenient viewing experience and continuously improving this website. A cookie is data sent to a user's browser from the server that handles administration of this website. The cookie sent is saved in the user's computer. However, information such as the user's name, address, phone number, and other information that identifies the user are absolutely not included in this cookie. Additionally, these cookies have no direct negative effect on the user's computer. This website may use cookies provided by a third-party contractor to assess the access information of this website. It is possible for the user to decline cookies through the use of appropriate browser settings. Disabling cookies in this way will not hinder the use of this website in any major way. Refer to your browser's help files or browser manufacturer for information on these browser settings.
  3. JavaScript
    Portions of this website use JavaScript to achieve a more comfortable user experience. Failure to activate JavaScript in your browser may result in an inability to properly view or use this website.
  4. PDF
    The Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view files in the PDF file format. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website are displayed incorrectly.
  5. FLASH
    The Adobe Flash Player from Adobe Systems Incorporated is required to view contents that use FLASH. Download the latest version of the Adobe Flash Player if it is not installed on your system or the contents of this website are displayed incorrectly.
  6. Twitter
    Refer to the Twitter website for an explanation of its terms of use.
  7. Facebook
    Refer to the Facebook website for an explanation of its terms of use.

Legal matters

1. Disclaimer

There is no guarantee of the completeness or accuracy of any information provided on this website. This information may be changed without notice or warning. The administrators and owners of this website accept absolutely no responsibility for any damage that may occur directly or indirectly due to the use of the information or content on this website.

2. Prohibitions

The following activities are prohibited in the use of this website:

  1. Any activity that hinders or creates obstructions to the operation of this website.
  2. Any activity that causes or may cause inconvenience, loss, or violations of privacy to pinakiichi,llc, its members, the users of this website, or other third parties.
  3. Any activity that violates or may violate public order and morality.
  4. Any activity that violates a law, ordinance, or regulation.
  5. Any other activity deemed inappropriate by pinakiichi,llc.











  • 当社を誹謗中傷や信用失墜を意図する内容を含んだホームページ
  • 公序良俗および社会倫理に反する内容を含んだホームページ
  • 違法または違法な可能性を有するコンテンツ・活動に関わるホームページ
  • フレーム内で当社ホームページが展開されるものやその他の方式で、当社ホームページであることが不明確になるなど、第三者に誤解を与える可能性があるホームページ

なお当社が保有するロゴやマークなどの登録商標を無断で用いてリンクを張ることは、認められません。 情報発信元を誤認させるような形でリンクを張ることは、お断りします。